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Friday, August 13, 2004

A Peculiar Dream

Last night I had quite the adventure...

Dan and I (for some reason) took a vacation to the Amazon where we were confronted with a hungry anaconda who chased us throughout the whole journey. (No doubt a subconcious thought of the "Anacondas" movie preview I saw shortly before falling asleep.) That wasn't the oddest part of the dream though.

We returned home to our apartment and due to the exhaustion of escaping death by anaconda we decided to just relax on the couch and watch TV. As we watched television in the dark, I noticed our bedroom light turn on. I tapped Dan and pointed in the direction of the bedroom door. As we both looked at the door, the knob started to turn. Dan was (of course) ready to attack the burglar who was perpetrating our home. When the door opened and the man stepped out... it was Dan. And the Dan who was with me was just like WTF???

It was so creepy, we just kept looking back and forth at both of them. Then I awoke to Oscar meowing in my ear to give him some attention. Strange, huh? Give me your thoughts about what you think it means...


Blogger Grandma V said...

I'm not a dream interpreter, but maybe it means a BOY?? (Actually, though either would be fine as long as they are healthy, I am hoping for a girl!) A little Jessi pitter-pattering around would be so COOL!

10:01 AM  
Blogger jessframpton said...

Funny, I was wondering if it meant twins!

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I just brought myself up to speed on all the things I missed while without a computer and talked to a couple people about the dream. My sister did a paper for her class this year on dream interpretation and she predicted identical twin boys. Do twins run in your family?!?!?!?!? That would be quite different. Good Luck. Steph B.

4:18 PM  

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