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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Wah Wah Wah

Tonight I caught Helena mocking me while she was cleaning her room before bed. I stood outside her doorway and stifled my laugh and she talked to herself as she picked up her Barbies.

"Wahhh.... Clean your room.... That's the way Mommy acts. That's not the way you're sposed to act. She's sposed to say 'Clean your room please, Helena'.... That's what she's sposed to say.... Clean your room.... I just cleaned this whole place and now there's stuff everywhere.... Mommy doesn't even know how to ask.... She didn't even say please...."

This went on for about 5 straight minutes until eventually she turned around and caught me eavesdropping. When I asked her if she was mocking me, she said she wasn't. That she was talking to herself and I shouldn't have been listening. But I smiled and thanked her for cleaning her room and now she loves me again. :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here's to Ginko Biloba

Last night, we did Helena's first homework assignment. Tracing our hands, cutting them out, and decorating them. We used little jewels, paints, and markers. Of course, I forgot them on the table this morning and she couldn't even turn it in.

They said it was okay and I could just bring it in tomorrow, but I gotta get better about that stuff before she starts the "real" school. I'm guessing her history teachers won't be as forgiving.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

That's Me

This morning I was taking Helena to preschool (late as usual, since I can't be on time to save my life) and I was telling her to eat her poptart before we got to school. The conversation went a little something like:

Me: "You better hurry up and eat that poptart cuz I think you're gonna miss breakfast since we're late. If you don't eat it now, you're gonna be sorry later."

H: "Ugh, alright. But why are we always late?"

Me: "Cuz you don't listen when I tell you to wake up and start getting ready."

H: "Well, Mom... some people don't wanna get out of bed in the morning. Some people just wanna sleep all day. And I'm one of those people."

Seriously, what 4-year-old talks like that? haha

Friday, November 20, 2009

Here We Go Again

Last night eating dinner, I tell Helena she can either eat her dinner or go to her room. She says, "How bout this? I don't eat my dinner and I *don't* go to my room? How's *that* for a deal??"

Adria and I started cracking up and I said, "I don't know how you ever think I'd agree to something like that. That's not a deal at all!"

She's ridiculous.

Then, this morning she tells me I look like Elf cuz of my shoes. Little poopface. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Me & Helena are super happy that our bffs from Maryland (formerly of next door) have come to AZ to visit us.

That's right Mel & Myles are in town! And at this very minute, Helena and Myles are making a beautiful mess in my house. :)

It's good to have em home.


So, the other day Helena was mad at me and crying about something. And when I asked her what it was, through her sobs and tears, she said, "I wanna tell you, Mom... but it's a long story."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cinnamon & Tacos

A couple of cute stories from my brilliant little bean...


The other night I picked Helena up and I missed her so much. I let her sleep in my room with me that night. She was so happy and bouncy, banging me in the head with hers quite a few times. We laughed and sang some songs together. When it was time to calm down and go to sleep, I squeezed her and told her "Goodnight, sugar."

She replied, "SUGAR?!?!"

"I'm sorry... Goodnight, Cinnamon."


"Oh, do you want to be called Paprika? Or Oregano? Tarragon?" (yes, I listed every spice I knew)

She decided she'd like to be called Cinnamon. So, I told her "Goodnight, Cinnamon."

In less than a second, her demeanor completely changed and she turned to me and said, "But Mom... Helena is such a beautiful name. Why do you wanna change it???"



The other night we had tacos for dinner. Helena threw a fit about it because apparently she thinks she doesn't like tacos. (Which she does.)

So, I held the taco like a puppet and made it say "Well, I don't like YOU, Helena."

She said so emphatically, "Well, I don't like YOU, you dumbyass!"

Adria and I looked at each other and did our best to not laugh. Adria asked Helena what she said. And Helena responded, "I wasn't calling Mommy a dumbyass. I was calling the taco a dumbyass because he said he didn't like me."

How can I argue with that? I would've done the same thing. I hate dumbyass tacos. :)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had a great Halloween. I think it was my favorite since I was a kid. Thanks for the blue triceratops costume, Grandma.


So, today while I was doing Helena's hair after her bath, I asked her...

"If you could do anything in the world today, what would you do?"

Her response

"Go to New York."

Me too, Helena.

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