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Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm Still Alive!

I know many of you have probably been wondering if I've fallen off the face of the earth, but I'm still here! With a fussy baby and a sore throat. I have been sick for about a week now, and poor Laney is still having some sleepless nights.

I've resorted to sleeping on the couch because the only place she will let me set her down anymore is in her swing (which is in the living room). I will feed her at night and she will be out cold, but the second I lay her in that basinet, she screams bloody murder. She loves that swing though, and putting her in that is the only time I can get a minute to myself. I do believe I have spoiled her in her first few weeks by not wanting to put her down. She loves to nap with me. I will just lay her on my chest and rub her head. I feel like I've never been without her now.

It will be very difficult when I have to go back to work in June. I wish I could be with her everyday. Although I must admit I am getting some cabin fever. It's hard being home all day, but I definitely need the rest. Dan and I have also been spending some time getting the house together for family that's coming out next month. We are really excited to show off the next generation.


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