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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

That's Me

This morning I was taking Helena to preschool (late as usual, since I can't be on time to save my life) and I was telling her to eat her poptart before we got to school. The conversation went a little something like:

Me: "You better hurry up and eat that poptart cuz I think you're gonna miss breakfast since we're late. If you don't eat it now, you're gonna be sorry later."

H: "Ugh, alright. But why are we always late?"

Me: "Cuz you don't listen when I tell you to wake up and start getting ready."

H: "Well, Mom... some people don't wanna get out of bed in the morning. Some people just wanna sleep all day. And I'm one of those people."

Seriously, what 4-year-old talks like that? haha


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