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Monday, August 16, 2004

Welcome to Week #9!

For those of you unfamiliar with the "counting" involved with pregnancy trimesters, let me attempt to enlighten you.

The first day of your pregnancy is actually the first day of your last menstual cycle. So, by the time conception takes place, you are already about 2 weeks pregnant. Yesterday began my ninth week (counting from the first day) or the seventh week (counting from conception). I know it's confusing, I had to read that part of the book a couple of times to fully understand it. :)

The ninth week also (approximately) marks the beginning of my third month. The third month is the last of my first trimester, which hopefully brings an end to all of the early pregnancy symptoms. Lucky me, I think I had every one imaginable!

Did you know that sneezing, congestion, and sore throat are also symptoms of early pregnancy?? Odd...


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