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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

What a Sad Day

I should have registered to vote in Ohio. I could have, you know, I still have my Ohio driver's license with my mom's address. What are you people thinking?? I guess the past four years wasn't enough proof. I guess we need it to get much worse (which it will) in order to see what a horrible curse has been brought to our country.

I guess we need to lose twice as many jobs as we make. I guess we need to triple our deficit again. I guess we need to have an even longer unnecessary war and heighten other countries' hatred of America. I guess senior healthcare, children's education, stem cell research, and college tuition weren't valid issues this time around.

Instead of America uniting and voting for someone who could actually change the direction we were going in, we want to keep moving downhill. Instead of giving someone else a chance, we are still in the hands of our corporate president who will make no effort to deliver on any of the lies promised in his speeches or debates. Now it's just a matter of watching and waiting as all of my predictions for the next four years come true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for Bush! I certainly don't want a president who can't even lie effectively during the campaign. And I don't want my children to ever be invited to a gay wedding or give sympathy to someone who just had an abortion!!!

10:35 AM  
Blogger jessframpton said...

Ironically, you did vote for an ineffective liar! First thoughts are the progress in Iraq, his timber company, the Halliburton contract, the back-door draft... I could go on. How sad your life must be that you let it rule yourself and children with fear and hate instead of hope and love.

I would never discriminate against someone because of who they fell in love with, especially when 50% of straight marriages end in divorce. Also, would you tell a woman who has just been raped by a man on the street that she had to have his baby?

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoever the last anonymous was up there...is just your typical Bush supporter who is nothing but stubborn and close-minded. Maybe one of your own children will grow up to be gay, and then what...or what if it was your own daughter who was raped on the street...I am sure EVERYTHING would change then. Just like Bush if one of his "Precious Little Girls" got knocked up! I am so sick of listening to all the ignorant people who voted for Bush and them mixing church and state. I guess anyone who would vote for such an idiot must be one themselves.
Akron Sis!
Love you and miss you jess can't wait to see you!!!!

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for Bush also! And I don't understand why others need to call me an idiot for doing so. This country would end up in a far worse place if Kerry had been elected. The man has no morals...and I will leave it at that! And I don't feel like anyone who voted for him is an idiot. We all have our own opinions and that should be respected!

1:50 PM  

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