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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Appointment

Wow! There are a lot of emotions that go through you when you see that little baby bouncing around inside of you. It's pretty exciting, unbelievable, and a little scary! The tech spent about a 1/2 hour going over everything on the baby from head to toe. Well... everything but ONE thing!

It was really tempting to find out the baby's sex. Especially when I had Dan ask me about 10 times, "So, do you want to find out?" As time went on, it got harder to say no, but I stood my ground. Now, since our only opportunity to find out has passed, we can keep guessing and anticipating until delivery. The tech even passed over that area, so she couldn't even tell us if we changed our mind and called to find out! Dans says it looks like a boy, but what can you really tell from the ultrasounds??

Give me your guesses!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first instinct when I saw the ultrasound pictures was that it's a girl. Now I'm not so sure. But you know what they say...go with your first instinct. Guess we'll wait and see!

8:10 AM  

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