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Monday, August 16, 2004

In My Belly...

Here's a glimpse into what's going on in my belly right now.

At the third month, the baby is no longer an embryo but has become a fetus. This week the baby-to-be will grow to 20 to 28 milimeters. All organs and systems are existent and are continuing to grow and perfect themselves. Hands and feet are beginning to form, but fingers and toes are still webbed. The tip of the nose and eyelids begin to form also. Sexual organs will also form this week, but internally making determination of sex impossible at this point. The heart (which has already been beating for a few weeks) could possibly be heard, but is more likely to be detected between the 10th and 14th weeks.

If you would like to see brief week-by-week advancements in the baby, this site is great.


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