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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

How Sweet It Is...

...to be loved by you!!! I just had to gush for a minute and tell everyone that I really could have never imagined a better husband than Dan. We are so perfect for each other sometimes it's unbelievable.

We have been through so much together and have always come out on top. We have the same dreams and the same goals that we want from our lives together. It's just so nice. We have our problems, just like any couple does... but even in the heat of an argument I can look at him and just know.

There is no better feeling in the world than to love someone with every inch of your soul and know that their love for you is returned unconditionally. You can be at your most vulnerable, most disgusting, most irritating, most goofy; and no matter what that person will love you. And after 5 years, my love just continues to grow (no matter how much I complain about him)!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, It's so nice to be reminded that that kind of love really does exist in real life (not just in the movies). We should all be so lucky to have that someday too. Can't wait to see you next month

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and Dan! It's nice to be reminded that that kind of love exists in real life and not just in the movies. We should all be so lucky to someday have that kind of love. Can't wait to see you next month. Love, Maggie

8:57 AM  

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