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Thursday, November 04, 2004

Welcome to Week #20!

I know I'm a little late on this one, but I figured all of the photos would be enough to hold you over. This Sunday will complete my 20th week, and from then on it will be a countdown. I'm at the top of the hill and all I can see is a fast journey down. It will be here before I know it, but let's just focus on the present for now:

At the end of this week, we'll be halfway through the pregnancy, and the baby has as much sleep and awake time as a newborn. The scalp hair begins to grow. This week, your baby weighs ten ounces and is 16 centimeters (about 6 inches) crown-to-rump. A white, waxy-looking substance called vernix now protects your baby's skin. If your baby is a girl, she will have six million eggs in her ovaries -- six times the number she will have at birth! Her uterus will now be forming and she's beginning to develop a vagina.

Like I said, Dan is more convinced with the ultrasound that it's a boy, but I still have a feeling it's a girl. The tech told me from head to toe, the baby is measuring between 8-10 inches right now. Looks like I might have a bigger one than normal! I have another appointment today on my lunch break, I'll be sure to post any info from that.


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