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Monday, February 28, 2005

Welcome to Week 37!

I can't believe there are less than 30 days to go (if I make it to my due date)! Tomorrow will be March, and that will be a scary thing... I can take comfort in the fact that I will have made it through February though and hope the baby will grow for a few more weeks:

Your baby is working hard to accumulate all the fat she can, in preparation for delivery. Her body is growing rounder every day, since about 15 percent of her total weight is now made up of fat. Once she is born, this fat layer will help her maintain her body temperature and give her a reliable energy source. Baby now weighs around six pounds and is 20.7 inches long. Major organ development is already complete, such as the kidneys and liver. Some fine-tuning, such as the final development of the lungs, is still taking place inside the womb. Baby's head is round, but by the time she makes it through the birth canal it may be temporarily a bit misshapen as the soft bones of the skull are compressed by powerful contractions. Her head shape will return to normal within a few days.

I have my weekly doctor's appointment/ultrasound tomorrow and will find out what our baby is weighing in at. At least all major development is complete, and if I deliver any day now, I know that the baby's chances of survival are greater (even is he/she is small).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

Congrats on another week milestone. Your baby is officially full-term now. So having him/her anytime now won't be an issue. It was a shock to me when I had Jacob at 37 weeks. There were no warning signs of me going three weeks early. Just make sure you have your hospital bag packed and ready for any moment. How exciting !!!!

Love Ya

Aunt Joyce

11:08 AM  
Blogger Grandma V said...

Hey Jessi,
Our flights are booked! I can't wait to see you all. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Like Joyce said, have your bag packed and don't wait if you start having contractions. Unless you want to do a "Lauren" delivery! Love you honey.

5:17 PM  

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