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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Getting Sleepy...

The past couple nights Helena has had some poopy problems, and has been getting up more than usual. She is still the best little baby, but she is crying a little more when she can't quite seem to get those toots out! I feel so bad because she looks like she's really in pain sometimes and there's not much I can do for her.

I can't believe she is already 2 weeks old. I can already tell it's going to go fast. I am trying to take all the pictures I can. I want to remember everything! She is growing bigger each day. It's hard to believe that she was once inside of me. I miss her kicking me sometimes (I never thought I would). But now instead of holding my belly wondering who she was, I am now holding her and wondering who she will become. I can't imagine life without her!


Blogger Sarah said...

If you haven't tried so already - try Mylicon gas drops. They can be a life saver at times for those nasty gassies that build up. Sometimes even tightly swaddling and adding some pressure to baby's belly (lay her on her belly on your chest - or if you prefer, try it while she's sleeping in her bassinet/crib (both my children were tummy sleepers; I was extremely leary at first because of the whole "Back to Sleep" campaign - but I found they slept better and were much more comfortable that way (you may have realized the startling reflex they have so young -- where they're just laying there all curled up and suddenly arms & legs go flailing - they're used to being all scrunched and confined in a tiny space, so this whole new big world can be intimidating - this is where the swaddling can be a good thing)). Just some ideas to get Helena a little more comfortable -- and so that you all can rest better! BTW - congrats on her arrival. Before you know it, you'll be celebrating her 1st birthday (yes, it goes THAT fast).

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, Helena is beautiful!! I love that first picture. It almostlooks like she's praying. I'm so happy for you guys that she's finally here and that you are enjoying every minute of it! Congratulations to you both!! ~Maggie

7:05 AM  

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