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Monday, April 11, 2005

My Labor Story

Well, I finally have some time and don't feel completely exhausted, so I figured I would post my labor story for those who haven't heard it.

I went in for my induction at 6:00 in the morning on April 2. By 7:00 I had gotten my first gel to prepare my cervix. I had 3 gels total, and it took almost 11 hours to go from .5 centimeters dilated and 75% effaced to 3 centimeters dilated and 90% effaced. Once I hit 3 centimeters, the began the Pitocin to intensify my contractions. The pain got really bad and I had to have a painkiller called Staydol (sp?) to take the edge off. I could still feel the contractions, but I was able to relax in between and breathe through them.

At 4 centimeters, the issued my epidural. Everyone has been asking if the needle hurt, but it was nothing compared to the contractions I was feeling. I actually had to have the needle injected twice because she wasn't able to thread the tube with the first one. My only worry was trying to stay completely still while she was doing it and I was having contractions. That was the hardest part! But once it kicked in, boy was it worth it!! I was numb from the waist down and the rest of the labor was a breeze!

After being stuck at 4 centimeters, they decided to break my water to see if it helped things to progress any faster. They still had it set in our heads that it could take up to an hour for each centimeter. They didn't expect us to deliver until the next day. Well, they were wrong!!

Forty minutes after breaking my water, I went from 4 to 9 centimeters! The doctor couldn't believe it and everyone was scrambling to get everything together. Then, after only 45 minutes of pushing, Dan and I watched our little girl enter the world. Dan gave me the greatest gift that day by convincing me to watch the delivery with a mirror. I thought it would freak me out (and probably would have if I was in any pain), but I was so happy to see her little face and it was just so overwhelming.

The doctor set her on my chest and Dan and I discovered the she was indeed a girl, and I think that's the point we both lost it. It was by far the most miraculous thing I have ever experienced. Dan must have felt the same way because immediately afterwards, he said we were having "a bunch more of these". To which I said, "Let's just worry about this one first!"

We spent 2 nights in the hospital, which was nice. I got all of my meals served in bed and as much rest as I could. It all felt so surreal. She didn't really feel like our's until we were able to bring her home. I am just so infatuated with her. I could hold her all the time. I love to nap with her and just watch her. This perfect little life. I just can't believe it...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed following along in your pregnancy and now the birth! I am 15 weeks pregnant and can't wait to experience what you have just described! Thank you so much for sharing. - wdc

4:28 PM  

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