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Friday, November 05, 2004

Just a Little Bad News

Yesterday, I had my actual appointment with the doctor (Monday was just an ultrasound). Well, it seems no one was able to find the results of my triple screen from last month. The triple screen tests for neural tube complications, spina bifeda, and down's syndrome. I figured when I didn't hear anything, that meant it was all normal. That's the way it usually works.

Well, after I got home from work last night, I got a message from the doctor's office just telling me to return their call. Of course, it was after hours, so I couldn't call back until the next morning. I was tossing and turning all night wondering what could be the problem. This morning I called and found out.

It turns out that the part of the test that checks for down's syndrome came up with a slightly increased risk. Now, this does not necessarily mean that the baby HAS down's syndrome, but just that there may be a risk. Also, the nurse assured me they get a lot of false positives. Just to be safe though, Dan and I have to meet with a genetics counselor and have a higher resolution ultrasound in order to get a more advanced look at the development of the baby.

I don't want to make anyone worry for nothing. Regardless of what happens, we will love this little person either way! That's what this journal is for though... you will all just have to go through exactly what I do!! I'll keep you posted. Until then, just pray for all of us.


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