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Monday, November 08, 2004

Some Good News & Some Bad News

Of course, there's always both. Can never have just one or the other...

Anyway, Dan and I went to the fetal specialist today and we spoke with a genetics counselor. She mapped out our family tree and listed any medical problems or deaths on both sides. We discussed our options to determine the baby's Down's Syndrome risk (if any). Obviously, the high resolution ultrasound was one way in determining certain physical aspects that Down's Syndrome children carry. The other was amniocentesis (sp?), which is basically where they stick a big shot in your belly in order to extract some of the baby's chromosomes from the amniotic fluid and see how they "grow".

We opted for the ultrasound just to see if there were any findings from the doctor that way. They scanned me for about 45 minutes and measured the baby's head, brain, legs, arms, hands, fingers, feet, toes, pretty much all the body parts. They also looked at the functionality of the organs.

After that was over with, we met with the doctor in his office and he discussed his findings. As for the physical aspect of the baby, he noticed no abnormalities or disfigurement. However, when we got to the organs, he was concerned about some fluid in the kidneys. He said this was very minor and no cause for alarm, fluids vary from day to day and we may have just caught it on a bad one. Because of this, we could not significantly decrease the risk of Down's Syndrome.

Here is how the risk levels have gone so far:
At my age with my medical history, the average risk rate is 1 out of 1100.
After taking my blood test, my risk rate was figured at 1 out of 112.
With today's tests and ultrasound, my risk rate is now 1 out of 330.

Still a pretty scary number. The amniocentesis should tell us for sure, but with that type of testing, there is a 1 in 400 chance of losing the pregnancy. To Dan and I it's just not that important. I mean, nobody wants their child to have to live with something like that. But regardless of what we find out, there is nothing that we can do to change it. We would still have the baby and love it no matter what. I just don't see the difference in risking the baby's life to find out if something's wrong with it. The doctor said the only time he would really recommend the procedure is if there was a chance that the baby may not survive through delivery.

But our baby's heart and other organs are strong and functioning very well. Now, it's just a waiting game... I guess we just have to see how the lottery turns out. Bad analogy, I know... but I can't stress over it, there's nothing that Dan or I or anyone else can do. It's all in God's hands, and however He sees fit.

I never expected to have to go through something like this though, so keep us and our little one in your prayers and let's just hope he or she comes out happy and healthy! Until then, enjoy the neat 3D pictures!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI I was just reading your journal cause i love reading about other people's pregnancy's. And wanted to tell you my test came back with a risk of down sydrome and i had an ultra sound and nothing was found and me and my husbend decided not to have the amniocintises totally spelt that wrong! We just waited til we had her and she was compleatly healthy!!!! that test has alot of false positives!!! I think if your baby had down sydrome you would no in your heart!!!! www.babiesonline.com/babies/e/emma11205

11:19 PM  

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