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Monday, November 08, 2004

Welcome to Week #21!

I thought yesterday's entry was enough to try to absorb, but we'll just keep on trucking now! Onto the start of week 21:

By the end of this week, the baby will be weighing in at 13 to 14 ounces, and measuring 17.5 centimeters crown-to-rump, your baby is now busy putting fat onto those bones. Most likely, you have felt your baby's in-utero gymnastics. With lots of amniotic fluid providing room to move, your baby will be very active. Babies have sleep and wake cycles and you may find that these get more predictable as the months progress. Babies are typically active in the late evening, just when Mom is trying to get to sleep. The rapid growth phase begins to slow down this week. The heart grows stronger, and the legs are reaching their relative proportions.

In our 3D ultrasound, the doctor said the baby has long legs (from Dan) and expressive hands (from me). I can't wait to see how the two of us are complemented in one little package!


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