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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Welcome, Welcome!

I have noticed a number of new viewers on my site recently. I know most of you are visiting from the iVillage March 2005 message boards, but thanks for coming back again and again!

Also, thanks to my sister Melinda for adding my link to her blog (http://lifelibertypursuit.blogs.com/life_liberty_and_pursuit_/), it has increased my traffic with cities I didn't even know existed in Ohio!!!

And lastly, thank you to my Aunt Rosie who has passed my site on to many family members on my Mom's side that I would otherwise not know how to contact. I am glad that we all have a way to keep in touch with what's going on.

On another note, I would like to welcome my Australian "fan base", thanks so much for all of your encouraging comments, Sine! I hope you continue to enjoy the reading. Good luck with your own pregnancy (I visited your site too!).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess!

It's Deanna, Mel's friend. We met in Cleveland for Mel's birthday party last year (I was in the Marine Corps). I've been following your blog and I'm so happy for you and Dan! Also, tell Dan I said Happy Birthday today - it's the Marine Corps birthday - ooh rah!

Maybe I'll see you guys in Cleveland for Thanksgiving. I live in Chicago now but will home.

Take care,

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - this is another one of Mel's friends: Stefanie. I don't think we've ever met but since I'll probably be going down this road myself in a couple years I've been reading along. I wish you the best and I'm sure I'll meet you (and the baby) when I visit Mel sometime next year.

6:40 AM  

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