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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Appointment Update

At this point, most babies would be curled up in a ball or the "fetal" position... NOT MINE! As the ultrasound tech would say, "Your baby sure loves to stretch out!" With the feet in my ribs, the butt at my belly button, and the head getting lower and lower. The increasing pressure I've been feeling lately is the baby descending and turning. The past few weeks we have been able to get some full-face shots because the baby was laying face-up. Not anymore! The baby has now gotten into the birthing position, with the head low and facing my back. (So, no photos today.)

I can feel how low the head has gotten, and that would explain the more frequent trips to the bathroom! We are in the home stretch now. I haven't dilated any further, but that doesn't mean much at this point. With the way my family gives birth, it could happen in the next few hours! I'm not feeling that though! I will say this... I am starting to second-guess my first due date prediction (originally the 22nd). I don't think the little booger will hold that long! It seems like s/he's ready to go!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just relax as much as you can, when h/she is ready to get here, that will be the right time. I was 2cm dialated with Dre' for 2 weeks and nothing happened, then I delivered 2 days early. Milena was a high risk pregnancy and she didn't want to come, so they enduced me. You just never know. Just have everything ready so it is easier if h/she does come early. I would guess you will probably go earlier because h/she is getting ready to go and your family history, but h/she is full term so everything should be ok even if the little one decides to make an early entrance. Also, you may be the odd one out when it comes to family history, my family all had HORRIBLE deliveries, I am talking Breech babies, 24, 36 hrs of labor so I was TERRIFIED, but luckily I went in 3 hrs with both my kids :) Like I said, you just never know. The best thing you can do for yourself is just relax. Don't worry about not knowing when you are in labor, every women feels the same way and we all know, the best way I can describe it is you kow your body...lolol....Feel good and take care.

Love from Florida,

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you Jess and I've only met you once!!

Keep us updated......I'll cross my fingers that you'll have that little booger or boogette in no time!!


Deanna in Chicago
(Mel's friend)

8:41 PM  

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