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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Keep on Truckin'

My poor baby's belly is still upsetting her. I am going to try one of my readers suggestions with the Mylicon drops and see how those work. Hopefully they will buy me a few extra hours of sleep. I get so tired, but I feel like such a waste if I spend my whole day sleeping. I have become just like a newborn myself. All I do is eat, sleep, and poop!

On another note, I feel like I'm coming down with something. My throat has been pretty sore today and I've been coughing a little bit. I hope that I don't pass anything onto the baby.

And in other news, Dan starts a new job with Orkin next week. The pay is considerably better and they actually have a benefits plan with sick/vacation time (unlike the last place). He's taking off the rest of this week to help me get some things together in the house before all of our guests start coming out. Next month is going to be busy. I hope I get a burst of energy here soon. We are really looking forward to having everyone come out and meet the new addition to our family. It's an exciting time!

P.S. Happy Birthday to my brother, Chris!!! Love your big sis and little niece!


Blogger nycgirl7699 said...

Hi Jess,

I have been a fan of your website for quite some time... I had a little boy on February 27th ~ have you heard of Baby's Bliss GripeWater? It works wonders for gas pain. I won't leave home without it! You can usually find it at health food stores and I am sure you can purchase it online somewhere. Hope Helena is feeling better!

Jessica & baby Nathaniel

11:52 AM  

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