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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hello... Good-bye!

Helena has just been amazing me with her new skills. She is waving hello and good-bye all the time now. She's been waving for a few weeks now, but now she waves at everything. Me, Dan, Bula, Oscar, the table, the door... :)

She'll wake up from sleeping and instantly sit up and wave. The other day she was making her way over to Bula & Oscar's water bowl. Dan stopped her with a "Hey!" She turned around and smiled and waved at him. As if to say, "Hi Daddy, I wasn't doin' nothin'!" What a cutie!!

She is also trying to say "Hey!" herself. I think because we say "Hey girl!" alot. I just can't keep up with her. I wish she would stay little, but it is fun to watch her grow. I am really excited to do some things with her, but am holding off. I don't want to introduce her to too much too soon. She can stay little for longer in my eyes that way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey there! Happy New Year! Looks like you guys have been blessed with a wonderful year and hopefully that will continue. Just wanted to tell you to continueto enjoy every moment with Helena, it is so important because they grow up sooooo fast. Forget about it once they hit school the time just blows past you! Your relationship with her now will remain with her always and even as she grows she will love you more for making eveyr moment of her life so important. So, big or small embrace everything, that is the joy and purpose of life.

Love you guys,

12:17 PM  

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