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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Opportunity Knocks Late

Isn't it funny how you search and search for jobs-- in my case I have been looking for freelance and contract jobs on the side. Today in my email I received notice of a contract design opportunity which pays $18.75/hour and $27.73 for overtime. The position requires 30-90 day flexibility and the availability to work 60-70 hours per week. Probably seems extraneous to some people, but with my work record, that's not that bad. (Especially for the overtime pay) However, with the baby, it is impossible for me to drop everything to pursue this... the hours would be too hard for me to handle now and I need my benefits. Had I received this information 2 months ago, I wouldn't have hesitated. But that's the story of my life...

"All dressed up and no where to go" (as my mother used to say).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything in this life happens as it should. Although there are times that we question that and don't understand things at the time, eventually it all comes to light. Right now you may not understand why this opportunity now, but later on you will, even looking at the big picture, would it have been possible to work a job with those hours and raise your new baby? or would you have been able to cut your hourse once the baby came? Or would you have put stress on your pregnancy working all of those hours? You are very blessed to be where you are in your life and everything will fall into place as it should. Take the good with the bad and be thankful every step of the way. Can't wait to meet that little person, we love you Jenny, Fabi and the kids :-)

2:17 PM  

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