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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Thanks Mom!

I had a really great conversation with my Mom last night after I got home from work. We talked about the baby (of course) which led into talks of my childhood.

She apologized for not being able to do more for us when we were children. But I felt I always had everything that I needed. And not having everything handed to me taught me a lot of independence and responsibility. I also have something else that a lot of people don't have. And that's memories. Good childhood memories of sitting at the dining room table coloring with my Mom, dancing around to our Chipmunks record, taking trips to Garfield Park and Altoona, Pa... I could go on.

My mom also feels bad that she may not be able to get all of the things for the baby that she wishes she could. But with still having three children at home of her own to raise she shouldn't be worrying about me. My mom gives me something no one else in the world could ever give me, and that's the complete love and support of a mother. She lends her ear when I share my worries about becoming a parent myself. She's curious about the things we want the baby to learn. She gives me space when I need time to reflect on things. But most of all, she's happy for me and my marriage and my baby and tells me so every time I talk to her. That may not seem like much to some, but I couldn't ask for anything more!


Blogger Grandma V said...

Thanks so much for your wonderful thoughts on your childhood. (And your "wonderful" mother)LOL. I am glad you have learned that it is the "little" things that count. Like sitting around a campfire telling ghost stories, and decorating the cabin with toilet paper for Crystal's birthday. Like going for walks like Alex and I did today. Like sitting up talking about everything and nothing. I love you more than words can say and I will always be here for you! You have a lot of love to share with this baby. And that, more than anything, will make you a ggod MOMMMY. Remember, none of us is perfect! All we can do is the best we can. Love always,

6:59 PM  
Blogger Grandma V said...

Thanks so much for your wonderful thoughts on your childhood. (And your "wonderful" mother)LOL. I am glad you have learned that it is the "little" things that count. Like sitting around a campfire telling ghost stories, and decorating the cabin with toilet paper for Crystal's birthday. Like going for walks like Alex and I did today. Like sitting up talking about everything and nothing. I love you more than words can say and I will always be here for you! You have a lot of love to share with this baby. And that, more than anything, will make you a ggod MOMMMY. Remember, none of us is perfect! All we can do is the best we can. Love always,

7:01 PM  

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