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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What is it with men?

Why do men seem to think that the only role they have to play in life is as the provider? Do they all seem to think that when they come home from work that their responsibility for the day is over and it's all up to the wife to take over at home? What about those of us women who are working too? Dan has been complaining because his job works him such long hours, and I am so lucky because I get a 3-day weekend. What he doesn't realize is that long weekend consists of holding, feeding, changing, and playing with a baby. Trying to clean the house and do the laundry and dishes. Waking up at least 2-3 times in the middle of the night to hold, feed, change, or play with the baby. Waking up each morning at 6:00 am (without the possibility of sleeping in) and starting it all over again. Now, don't get me wrong. I love my little girl, and so does Dan. I think men sometimes are just tunnel-visioned. They are so caught up in what they are doing to provide, that they don't realize there are plenty of other roles they need to be playing too. At least he gets to sleep. I don't have that luxury any night of the week.

I just want to know from those of you who have been there if you've had these feelings. And, if so, when did your husband begin to pitch in beyond what is regularly expected? Do they ever help out not because they should, but because they actually realize how hard it is on us? I just feel like I have no time to relax and do anything for myself. At least I have somewhere to vent! Thanks for listening.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world ... try doing it with two. At least Ed loves to cook so that's usually one less thing I have to deal with. Just hang in there and remember it does get easier as the baby gets older. I think most working moms go through what you are.

Love Ya

Aunt Joyce

6:20 AM  

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