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Friday, February 10, 2006


I know it's been a while. I get so busy with 2 jobs and being a devoted Mom and wife. I'm sure you can imagine. Let me give you some brief updates.

Last Saturday we spent pretty much all day outside. Dan, Helena, and I went up to the outlet stores (which are outside). We didn't do a whole lot of shopping, but a lot of walking. We spent a good amount of time at the kid's play area. We got Helena out of the stroller and let her walk around in the grass. I wish I would have brought my camera. There are plenty of other photos to keep your interest though.

We are getting ready to celebrate our 5-year anniversary this month. We are going to go up north and rent a cabin. I'm actually looking forward to getting in the cold. We're going to have a good time. I just hope we don't have to cancel due to the wildfires going on in certain areas up there.

Cold Stone has been a dream job. They have put me in charge of product photo shoots. I've been on 3 in the past 2 weeks, and will be going to another next week. It's been so much fun! I also presented a concept that was picked up for our Take Home promotion coming up. It is so exciting! Soon I'll be able to send you all to the stores to see what I've been working on. Stay tuned...


Blogger Grandma V said...

Congrats Jessi! I am so proud of all you do! You have a great job, a beautiful daughter, and you and Dan have made a wonderful FAMILY together (which is MOST important!) Love you all, Mom (AKA GrandmaV)

9:04 AM  

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