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Monday, May 08, 2006

Helena's Update

At her doctor's appt on Friday, my poor girl had to have SEVEN (yes, 7) shots. AND she had to have blood drawn. She was not a happy camper, but a Reese Cup later, she was better. She measured at almost 29 inches and weighed only 17 lbs 5 oz.

She has dropped down to the 10th percentile. I don't know how. She eats all the time it seems. It could be the transition between the bottle and solids. She is still getting used to that. Sometimes she just shakes her head no and refuses to eat though. What are we supposed to do, forcefeed her?? The doctor didn't seem too concerned as long as all of her bodily functions and behavior was the same. Which it is.

She is developing so fast though. She knows what her baba (bottle) is. I can say from one end of the house, "Where is your baba?" She will shrug and start looking, then she will come right back with it. I applaud her and she is happy with the attention. I have learned that the positive reinforcement is working EXTREMELY well to teach her right from wrong. She loves being praised and will clap along with me.

She kisses all the time now and hugs too. She is also getting 5 teeth in (all at once). It upsets her, but for the most part she is still just such a joy all the time. I can't believe how big she is already and what personality she has. She's the best girl in the world!!! :)


Blogger Sarah said...

Don't worry over her refusing to eat .... she'll eat when she's hungry enough. ;) There are days when my almost 4.5 year old will skip a meal, but he's healthy. My daughter is the same way .... somedays we wonder what she actually ate (opposed to how much is on the floor, or stuffed in her highchair with her) throughout the entire day. But we know .... sooner or later that little empty belly will be growling and they'll eat what is in front of them. :)

10:10 AM  

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