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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!

So, Helena and I just got back from Trick or Treating and she was a HIT! Everyone loved the penguin costume. Even the kids!! "Look! It's Happy Feet!!"

When we got home, I asked her if she had fun and she said "Yeah. I was running. And dancing. And flapping my wings."

I wish I would have gotten my video camera for my bday cuz I surely missed one of the cutest nights of her life. I guess I'll just have my mental picture. I have stills, but they didn't quite capture her tail waving back & forth. And they didn't get her cute little voice saying "Trick or Treat!" and "Thank You!" and "More canny, Mommy!"

Someone get me a camera PLEASE!!! haha

Look for the photos soon. Happy Halloween! :)


Blogger Lisa said...

Oh, how cute! Our little girls were both "Happy Feet" this year! Gabrielle absolutely LOVES that movie & just HAD to be "Happy Feet" for Halloween.

10:37 PM  

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