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Thursday, September 11, 2008

You Just Quit Your Job... What's Next??? I'm Going To DISNEYLAND!!!!

You heard it right folks! After a little minor heart attack of the trip possibly falling through, I just received confirmation yesterday that Disneyland is ON!!!!

Allow me to backtrack a bit...

A lot has happened over the past couple years, including me becoming best friends with my neighbor Melissa. And Helena becoming best friends with her son Myles. Over this past year, the four of us have been inseparable. This overindulgence of each other's company will continue until, in a few weeks, they move away. :(


As our last hurrah with the BFFs and the two cool coyotes, we planned a trip to Disney for this Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. I had a mild heart attack when Mel told me a couple days ago, they might be having to drive to NY to move their stuff if her husband, Joe, had the week off. We kept our fingers crossed and Joe definitely has to work on Monday, so we will be road-tripping it to Califor-ni-ay!!

We're heading out early on Sunday so we can make time to visit my brother's new place in Anaheim. Get some food and check out the ocean before sunset. Monday is totally devoted to the park, which is guaranteed to be sensory overload for Helena. And Tuesday we're driving back.

I'm so excited to get to share this experience with Helena. It's not often I have the time, money, or company to take a trip like this. It's going to be so awesome to have such a great last memory with our great friends. However sad I am to see them go, we will always have this trip to look back on and smile.

Thank goodness Mel's husband is a pilot (now a captain... Congrats Joe!), so she gets cheap airfare and can come visit us often. We are also planning a girl's trip to Manhattan sometime next spring. These are definitely people that are always going to be in our lives. Sometimes change comes and you have to go with it, however difficult it may be. But I would always rather have known someone that makes you sad to say goodbye to than never know them at all.

Oh yeah, and I quit my job. My last day is tomorrow. But I'll save that for another time. :)


Blogger Melinda said...

Well, I'm happy you're back writing again.

More pictures of my little niece, please? :-)


12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are back on here too. I've been looking at your site all the time comparing pregnancy notes.

8:59 AM  

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