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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

My Daily Enlightenment

Thanks to the wonderful folks over at Tarot.com I get my horoscope delivered to a special mailbox every day. Sometimes they can be a little vague, but sometimes they are right on the money. See below:

General Daily Overview
The Moon is in her home sign, Cancer, adding emotional depth to what's already been going on. Cancer is a water sign, and as such ties us to our feelings of the past, including thoughts of our childhood family. Instead of moving from one thought to the next, we slow down and go deeper, and bring up old memories that are connected to the present situations. Take time to pull back into your protective shell. Spend some comfortable time at home or with your friends and family. But above all, create the time and space to nurture yourself.

Hmmmm.... I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that tomorrow I am really going to hear my baby living inside of me. As stated in recent posts, I have had continuing dreams about my family and my childhood. I am sure it's all a part of this new circle of life for me.


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