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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Welcome to Week #12!

Well, this is the last week of the first trimester. Supposedly, the second trimester is the most comfortable of the three. I hope that's right because I could really use some down time from all of the hormone bursts! You've heard what's going on with me, so as Al Roker would say, "Here's what's going on in (baby's) neck of the woods."

By this point, nearly all of the organs and structures of the fetus are formed. They will continue to grow and develop until delivery. Fingers and toes have separated and hair and nails begin to grow. The genitals begin to take on their gender characteristics. He or she has the ability to swallow and absorb and discharge fluids. Amniotic fluid begins to accumulate as the baby's kidneys begin to produce and excrete urine. The muscles in the intestinal walls begin to practice peristalsis - contractions within the intestines that digest food. The baby-to-be is now 60 to 65 millimeters long or about two and a half inches long, and weighs about 14 grams. Your baby's face now has a distinctly human appearance. Even tooth buds are appearing. The amniotic sac contains about 50 cubic centimeters of fluid (one and one half ounces). This week, your placenta takes over the important task of hormone production.

So, every week there is just so much going on in such a tiny, little creature that I can't even believe is there yet. The baby is about the length of a golf tee and, apparently, my uterus is the size of a softball. What's with all of the sports analogies??


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