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Wednesday, September 08, 2004


It's not only the city that we are moving to come November, but it is also a decision that Dan and I made. Originally, we had thought it best to determine the baby's sex so that we could pre-purchase and decorate accordingly. After many discussions, however, we have decided that we would like to be surprised and wait until the baby's birthday to find out.

Finding out half-way through would be like knowing exactly what you're getting for Christmas. Sure, you make a list and have your preferences, but there's just something exciting about having the gift wrapped before you and anticipating what it holds. As anxious and curious I am sure we will be to find out (especially when we get the ultrasound), I think that anticipation and guessing will make it all the more fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess-
good luck with everything tomorrow.
I think it is exciting to keep it a surprise, at least for your first born...
Greg and I will pray for you and the little one tonight...
love you and miss you

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gang, Congrags on the new and soon arrival. I know your all excited. We are happy for you. Take Care, Debbie and Marie, Ashtabula, Ohio

3:52 AM  

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