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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Strangest Dream

Perhaps it was a subconscious manifestation of feeling the baby kick all night, but I had the strangest dream...

I was at my mom's house and we could all see the baby moving in my belly. (There was nothing too peculiar about it as I've seen the baby move before.) Then, the movements got stronger and you could literally see the hand and foot forming an indent from inside my skin. Before I knew it, the arm was making its way out. Then, the other arm. Then the head and the body. (Sort of like Freddy Kreuger coming out of the wall in the first "Nightmare on Elm Street".) In my dream though I was not amazed by these events. Instead, my little brother and I looked at the baby which you could see through my stretched skin and held it... while it was still in my belly! We could see the baby open its eyes and curl its hands. It was the most vivid dream I've had about how the baby looks right now, but it was all just so strange. Mainly because in my dream it wasn't strange. Like, here I am walking around with this baby sticking half-way out of me and no one thinks this is a little weird?!?!

I don't know what it means, but I know women tend to dream more of the pregnancy and men tend to dream more of a baby. That's been true so far, as Dan tells me about all of the dreams that he's had. I'm surprised I even sleep well enough to dream anymore. It feels like I'm always half-awake. I guess it's just preparing me for all of the sleepless nights to come.


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