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Monday, December 06, 2004

Deck the Halls, Not the Walls

We put up our Christmas tree last night. Turned off all the lights and watch the decorations come and go on our rotating tree. Celebrated the season with Delila and her array of Christmas carols. Came close to tears on the "Shoes for Mommy" song. I have heard that song for years and was always irritated when they would throw in one of those songs that are depressing. I still don't like to feel depressed, but I guess it got to me more this year than in the past.

Dan and I are trying to figure out where to hang our lights, stockings, and wreath this year. In an apartment I wouldn't think twice about pounding a nail into any wall at any time. In our home, however, I want to make sure that any hole we put in the wall is going to be used in the future. It's funny how you notice ever minor ding or dent when it's YOUR house. We had a few "oopsies" during the move, but we should be able to get them fixed. Thank goodness for new home warranties!

Anyway, I am looking forward to having some family in our home for the holidays this year. Looks like I need to get the recipe for strada! I hope we will have the house a little more in order by the time our company arrives. I am anxious to get every room decorated right away! But I know I have to take it one room at a time, and baby's room comes first. Can you tell Dan and I are pretty much parents already?? We're the second priority now!!


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