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Friday, December 03, 2004

I Can't Do This!!

Labor... I know it's stupid to say I can't do it because, ummm, I really don't have a choice now! I was referred to a site by one of the expectant mommies on iVillage that shows actual births. Having never seen an up close & personal birth, I felt intrigued to take a gander.


A little advice, don't look at the graphic births unless you never want to have a baby in your life. I have watched "A Baby Story" on TLC over and over and never really got the jist of what was going on because they only show angles from the top and sides. This site has those, but I had to go further and look into the full-on shots. The only thing that accomplished was freaking the be-jesuses out of me. I thought it might make me feel more comfortable knowing what was actually going on. But noooooooo.......

For any of you brave souls out there who don't have weak stomachs or heart failure (joke!), feel free to take a look. I think I've seen enough... http://www.birthdiaries.com/diary/


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't get a chance to make it to your shower. I really wanted to be there. I have a gift for you that I would like to send. I will get your address from Mindy and send it to you. You look great and I am glad you, Dan & baby are doing well! Your blog is awesome!
- Shannon

10:02 PM  
Blogger Jallápenno said...

Hi there...found your blog while wandering the web. I'm 24 weeks 2 days, so we're in about the same place. I too am horrified when I think about labour. The labour pains scare me, but so does the epidural. What to do?

7:05 PM  
Blogger jessframpton said...


I don't know about you, but I have an extremely low pain tolerance. I hate shots, but I KNOW I'll need an epidural. The photos on that site, though, are enough to make any woman want to hold her baby in forever!!!

Good luck and keep stopping by, hopefully we'll exchange some valuable information to eachother.

10:32 AM  

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