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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Appointment Update

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Not much to report, they did the regular measuring and checked for the heartbeat. I can tell the baby's moving up because they were able to get it around my belly button this time.

We have another ultrasound scheduled for next month. This one is to check the percentage of growth in the baby from November to January. It seems the baby was measuring a little small and the specialist we saw last month was concerned.

From this point, if they don't see the results they would like in January -- it's bedrest for me. Hopefully, my boss will allow me to work from home if that's the case. I won't be able to go that long without a paycheck. But it would be nice not to worry about getting all dressed up for work and everything. Ahhhhh, to spend the whole day in sweatpants!!!

I'll keep you updated, but for now that's all she wrote!


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