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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Appointment Update

I had my follow-up appointment today, not much to report. Since I have been trying to take it easy, the contractions have subsided for the time being. I still feel the Braxton Hicks here and there and some occasional cramping, but nothing like last week.

They have asked that I start a log to monitor the contractions. I will have another internal exam next Tuesday to check for dilation again. I am also supposed to have another ultrasound scheduled for March 8 (most likely). Hopefully I will make it that far because we have our baby class the same day. Someone's gotta teach Dan how to change those diapers!

BTW, was I the only one who didn't know that Baby Powder is bad for babies?? Turns out it can cause allergies, asthma, and even pneumonia. They really need to change the name of the product, it's quite deceiving!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

Glad things are calming down for you. Don't be too concerned if you deliver at 37 weeks -- that's considered full term and that's when Jacob was born and look how great he is doing.

Baby powder isn't really necessary to use on a baby anymore like I'm sure you're mom did. Just have a supply of wipes, baby lotion, and diaper rash cream. Nothing beats the smell of a newborn with baby lotion on but be careful using it too much at the beginning. They baby won't need it.

You are going to have so much fun once the baby is born. Just hang in there if you plan on breastfeeding because the first 3 weeks are very painful. After that, it all goes away or at least it did for me.

Just wanted to to give you an update on your new cousin. I went for a level 2 ultrasound on Tuesday and everything was perfect. Hannah is already 1pd and 6oz and very active. Everything looked perfect. Only about 13 weeks or so to go for me. I'm not expecting to go full term with this one - we'll see though.

Enjoy your last few weeks of quiet...
Aunt Joyce

9:40 AM  
Blogger Jallápenno said...

I think (though now I'm not sure) that as long as you use the plain cornstarch baby powder, it's ok. I wondered about using powder with lotion or diaper rash cream though, wouldn't it make kind of a paste? I also have no plans to use baby oil, I don't understand it's usefulness, and it can be very, very dangerous to babies if they happen to ingest it.

8:54 AM  

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