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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Small, But Growing...

The baby is still measuring in the 10th percentile (which is the smallest, while 90-100 is the largest), but is growing at a regular rate. Since our last ultrasound, the baby has gained just about a pound and all organs look great. So, I am now weighing in at 128 pounds and the baby is just under 4 pounds.

The doctors are hoping for a gain of another 2 pounds in the next 1 1/2 months. It seems like a long-shot, but most of the weight is put on at this time anyway. I will just continue to cram my face, and hope some of it goes to the baby and not all to my thighs!!

It's really neat to see how much the baby has developed from beginning to end. You can just see so much more detail in the ultrasounds, and it looks REALLY cramped in there!! S/he kept kicking the scanner off my belly when the tech was trying to measure things. It was funny! What a little heathen we must have!!!


Blogger Sarah said...

Glad to hear baby is growing. Even at just under 4lbs - baby is still a good size for gestational age. Ultrasounds can be off on the weight - so baby may just be "hiding" the weight well. I thought for sure my daughter was going to be a small one - especially the fact that my fundal height was measuring much smaller than it "should" have - but - she was born 8 days before her due date, weighing 8lbs even and a lengthy 21.5in! I also want to mention that if baby were to come now - the survival rate is very high. I have twin neices that were born 11 weeks prematurely - one weighed 2lbs 6oz - the other was a tiny smidgen over 3lbs. At first doctors were hoping they'd be home by Christmas (they were born 9/19, their due date was 12/3) - they ended up being released home before Thanksgiving!!! They are now almost 5 months old and are doing fantastic! So while we'll all cross our fingers that bun bakes longer - rest easily knowing that in today's age of medical advancement - bun would be well taken care of.

7:28 PM  

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