Animals Sounds & Colors
No, it's not the name of some crazy new techno song! Our little Helena is just so smart. I can point at every animal on her See & Say, and she will make the animal noise without me even having to imitate it first! Now, that's smart.
We have also been working on colors. When she's "helping" me fold laundry (which means pulling everything out of the basket), I hold up the clothes and say, "This shirt is red." And then she'll say "ded". I'll break down her colors for you:
Red = "ded"
Blue = "boo"
Yellow = "ewo"
Purple = "pupo"
Pink = "gink"
Green = "ga"
I am also teaching her the moves to "Down, Down Baby". We sang it over and over last night. She just loved it!
She has also moved on from baby food. It's all I can do to get her to try to eat it. She wants whatever is on our plates (BLTs last night, thanks to Dan's mom). And she is even starting to shy away from the highchair. She wants to sit at the table and eat with you. She is just wanting to get too big too fast.
Always on the move too, this one! We tried to take her to Monster House last weekend and got about half-way through it. Then, she discovered the stairs in the theatre and wanted to go up & down, up & down. When we tried to get her to sit after that, she wasn't having it, so we ended up just leaving. After that, we took her to the pool (which is her favorite thing on earth). I swear, she could be in that pool all day. She jumps in to us and kicks her feet. She plays with the little basketball hoop set up in the pool.
And speaking of basketball, she can recognize any sport too. Whenever she sees someone playing a sport in person or on TV, she makes the noise "tsss, tsss". Which is the sound of people clapping and stomping their feet when they cheer "Defense (tsss, tsss) Defense (tsss, tsss). I guess she learned that from all the Suns play-off games! :)
That's about it for now. I know it's been a while, I'll try to do better on keeping up!
P.S. Congrats to my cousin, Liz, who just gave birth to her first daughter!!
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