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Saturday, June 24, 2006

HAHA Daddy!

The other day at dinner, Helena did the funniest thing. Dan and I were just talking about our days and random things. Well, Dan got that little bubble in his throat (you know the kind that makes your voice gurgle a bit). Whenever that happens I always make fun of him and repeat whatever he said in my "froggiest" voice. It always makes him laugh. Well, after I did that, guess who followed suit?

There sat our little girl babbling in her own "froggy" voice. I said, "Are you making fun of Dada?" To which she responded ("froggily"), "Dada! Dada! Dada!"

I wish I had video, because who knows if I'm explaining it right. But I really just wanted to write it down so I never forget that moment. Her first joke!


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