You are about to view some of the cutest pictures I have taken of Helena. You have been warned!!!
Our little lady(bug)!

Perfectly accessorized

"AHHH!!! It's the paparazzi!!!"

"Well, I'll blow a quick kiss for my fans."

Proof that a diaper makes a much cuter hat!

Reading my favorite book. What's my mood today?? Hmmm... I think crazy!

For holding Helena in one hand and the camera in the other, this came out pretty cute!

Doesn't she look so grown-up? No lie, I said "say cheese" and this was her pose!

Pretty little curls for a prettly little girl

"If you think I'm getting bigger, look at my feet!"

"Wait! Those aren't my shoes, those are daddy's!"

"Mom, I think I've got a little something on my face."

Awwww She Is Soooo Precious, Beautiful, Gorgeous!! Everything.. One Of The Cutest Babies I've EveR Seen!
Thanks FoR Sharing, So I Know Whats Going On In YouR Life!!
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