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Monday, June 04, 2007

Just a few things

We got Helena an above-ground pool last weekend. Despite the work that went into setting it up and awaiting a new hose (the one I got was cracked) so I can hook the filter up, it's been fun! Helena and I have been in there pretty much every day since we got it. I got a nice little tan going! :)

I don't have a ton of time to write. I just wanted to get a few things down so I don't forget them.

Helena had me lauging so hard the other day. I was changing her diaper, and I said "Mommy has to cover her nose cuz your butt stinks!" And she said, "Yeah... I know." I couldn't stop laughing and it still makes me laugh to this day. Just the way she said it. hehe

Also, she has a really cute name for bathing suits... "baby soups". I love it!


Blogger Mackenzie said...

That Is So Cute! Can't Wait To See Pictures Of Her In Her Baby Soup! :)

9:49 AM  

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