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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"I just want to crawl through there and get some lil' smokies"

Sound strange?? Well, it didn't sound odd coming from my brother when we were video chatting with my mom on New Years Eve. Matt, Helena, and I got to talk to my mom and my other brother, Alex, through her Christmas present.... a web cam.

It's great! I felt like I was right there having a conversation with them. After making a few adjustments to the camera and getting the sound figured out, we were able to have a great conversation through the internet.

Benefits are:
- No long distance charges
- No using cell phone minutes
- You actually get to SEE the person you're talking to!!

You can't beat that. Especially when my brother got to see Helena reenact all of the animal sounds that she knows. This was definitely a good investment! I can't wait to talk to them again. Am I convincing anyone else to get one??


Blogger Grandma V said...

Sorry Chris finished the lil' smokies. I still have some peanut butter cookies, though. Seriously though. It was great talking with you guys. Matt easy on the beer. (Just Kidding) Alex had a blast talking with Helena. She is SO grown up! Beautiful baby girl!! Love and miss you all. We need to set up a conference time each week.
Love ya,

4:14 PM  

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