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Monday, January 22, 2007

The Sky is Falling!!

Oh no, wait... that's just snow! SNOW IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA???

Yes, it's true. Helena & I were out and about and witnessed what I can assume to be one of very few snowfalls in Arizona. The funny thing is, it snowed and neither one of us even had a jacket on. When I left the house, it was breezy but the sun was shining and the temp was nice. During my donation drop-off at the Goodwill was when the day totally shifted. It was like a Twilight Zone episode. Everyone is the store just stopped. People were arguing that it wasn't snow because everyone was just in such disbelief.

My brother called me almost instantly to see if I knew what was happening. We had just been talking about this exact situation the day before. He said "If it snowed here, people just wouldn't know what to do. There would be like 200 accidents on the road." Talk about a coincidence!


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