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Monday, October 18, 2004

The Exterminator

Dan's new job is great so far. All of the people he works with seem to be real laid back and he is enjoying what he's doing. He works some long hours, but he'll be getting some nice overtime in his checks. Since he's still in training, he's not allowed to work over 40 hours yet, so he just got a 3-day weekend.

It was so nice getting to spend so much time together. Over the past few months it felt like we were always just crossing each other's paths out the door. And when we were together, he was so miserable with his job that it was all he would talk about. Glad that's over! Now he tells me about all of the million dollar homes that he gets to spray and gives me every detail of the inside and outside. I think it would be really neat to get to just walk around other people's insanely expensive homes.

I hope everything stays on track with this job. They have already approved his time off when we're coming home. Unfortunately, he has to take it unpaid, but at least they're giving it to him. So, right now we're really happy with how things are falling into place and I pray it all stays that way.


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