Yesterday's Appointment
Well, I didn't get another ultrasound as I had expected, but I will get one on my next visit. We were able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler this time. Although the doctor had to push on my belly a little bit to bring the baby closer to the surface to hear it well enough. To hear it, click here. It's so exciting!
I also had to get a flu shot yesterday. Boy, do those things hurt!! I guess because of the limited availability, they are only allowing certain people to get them. Pregnant women are part of those recommended to receive the shot. Lucky me!! However, when I hold into consideration how many times I was sick with the flu last year, it's probably better for me to have it. Don't want to spend that much time hunched over the toilet again!!
Lovely thoughts in the morning, huh?
Jess, that is just AWESOME that you are able to upload the heart beat for all of us to hear. Isn't technology incredible. I just wanted to say how exciting that was to share that aspect with you although many of us are so far away.
I am SPEECHLESS! Thank you for this wonderful gift!
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