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Monday, October 11, 2004

Welcome to Week #17!

These weeks just keep flying by so fast, I can't believe I'm half-way through my fourth month. I can't suck it in anymore!! Anyway, you've heard what's going on with Dan and I... here's what going on with the little one this week:

Going forward, growth and refinement of your baby's existing systems and organs occurs. Your baby's ears stand out from his or her head. (More or less depending on heredity.) At 12 centimeters (almost 5 inches) crown to rump, your baby is large enough to give you a good kick in the belly. Within the next month, you should be able to feel this five-ounce wonder throwing his or her weight around.This is a period of rapid growth as the fat begins to form underneath the baby's skin. Baby and placenta are about equal in size now. The reflexes are probably in place now as the baby sucks, swallows and blinks. Circulation of blood is now established and the umbilical cord lengthens and thickens in response to the rapidly growing needs of your baby. The tiny heart is pumping as much as 25 quarts of blood a day!

The emotions we are feeling right now are a mixture of great excitement and great worry. I have never felt a more distinct division of the two. I know that things will work and we'll figure out what we're doing, but I just want to do everything right... and I know I can't. Ahhhh, the torment of the everlasting perfectionist!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Girl ... You got me beat by about 12 weeks. It's your Aunt Joyce who's pregnant with #2. I'm due June 8, 2005 but if this one's anything like Jacob, he/she will be born in May. Just wait until you feel that baby move for the first time or see him/her on the ultrasound. It is an unbelievable feeling. Don't worry about the RH factor thing--I'm A- and Ed's O+ so I had to have the shots and all. Just a pain in the butt (lol - that's where you get the shots).

Jacob is now 1 years old and almost walking. You'll have to come visit us when we move to Texas next year.

Talk to you soon -- Love Aunt Joyce, Uncle Ed, Jacob

11:06 AM  

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