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Friday, October 01, 2004

The Presidential Debacle

Whoops! Did I say "debacle"? I meant debate, I suppose.

It's safe to say that last night's initial display did not make me want to shift a vote to Mr. "mexed missages.... um..... uh..... it's hard work" Bush. Although I was a little disappointed with some of Kerry's responses. I really wanted him to defend his action on things and not just point the finger right back at Bush. This will only make the "Bushies" think he is a whiner and finger-pointer. But, Bush was definitely the winner when it came to diverting questions and shifting blame. Kerry was better poised and responded quickly and thoroughly to all questions that he had the first shot at. Bush stood slumped over his podium with a constant smug look on his face and paused after each sentence as if looking for some sort of approval in what he was saying from some off-camera face. His answers were too generalized and he made no attempt in saying what he would do differently this term.

How anyone can choose to live another 4 years that are a repeat of the last 4 years is beyond me. I don't know when your voter registration deadlines are, but please make sure you're registered. I know there's got to be more people against Bush than what they are saying with the "likely" voters. Please, take the time to go to your local DMV to register... it's worth the time to not have to watch this moron slump over a podium for another term.

BTW, in case you don't know, here are some things we can expect if Bush is re-elected:

1. The draft WILL be reinstated for men and women.
2. The war in Iraq will not come to resolution.
3. We are facing an imminent threat from North Korea (which he has ignored since 2002).
4. All of the money we've paid into Social Security will be gone and the plan as we know it will disappear. Worse yet, when they eliminate the plan, you won't get the money you've paid "so far" -- nope, it's government property.
5. Senior citizens (Dan's grandma for one) will lose all of their health care and prescription coverage by 2006.

Just some things to ponder while you're standing in that voting booth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't believe everything you hear, that's for sure. The Social Security problem has been there for at least 10 years! I remember being told that I would NEVER see my Social Security money! Well, two things here: DON'T EVER, EVER depend on Social Security because the amount of money that even old people 10 years ago received was CRAP! No one could live on it! I mean really, do we work today in the hopes that the government will take care of us? RIGHT!

Who the HELL ever said anything about the draft being reinstated, where do you get this from anyway? I have listened carefully to Bush and I do not ever recall hearing anything about a draft. I will mention this however: in Europe ALL young men serve in their respective countries. This is LAW! We are lucky as Americans that we actually have choices. I am not saying that I necessarily agree with that policy but just that it exists. I really do not believe that Congress would pass that one! Oh, now there's another issue. Bush CAN NOT make ALL the decisions alone. This is why all laws must be passed through congress and the house before the laws are ever approved! There are plenty of Democrats in this part of government to stop these things from happening. Man, these Democrats trying to get the vote are talking #&*# because they think that American people are SO stupid to believe that we have a dictator in the White House now, PLEASE give me a break!

The threat in North Korea has always been an issue, at least since the Korean War. There has always been a Communist dictator in command since I can remember anyway. So why didn't Clinton do more about this guy? I am not telling you that I agree with EVERTHING that Bush has done, I don't, however Kerry scares the crap out of me! I don't trust him and I don't trust his wife either! There are a million issues surrounding that guy! People ignore that because they just want anyone to beat Bush!

It's amazing how much more vocal Kerry supporters are than Bush supporters - for the longest time I was able to ignore the hype and just concentrate on what I hear from better informed sources, but your post yesterday just shocked the *#@% out of me! But now it makes so much more sense - these aren't new issues at all, these are the issues that have been brought up every election for as long as I remember! And it's funny, this has made me realize just how true the generation gap of voters is - how the majority of Kerry supporters are my age group and younger, and the majority of Bush supporters are in older age brackets - I think there is something to be said for experience, and gaining wisdom on an intellectual and intuitive level through years of life and decisions. I hate to be disappointed in my own generation, but I think we are getting too rapped up in the celebrity hype and missing the real issues at hand - and forgetting that a president is a leader: he doesn't have to be as eloquent as a career politician (in fact I think I would prefer that he wasn't a life-long politician - have you ever trusted a politician?!), he has to be someone you feel like you can trust to stand up for your rights. I think I know who I'm voting for again.

11:24 AM  
Blogger jessframpton said...

Well, yet another instance of our great democracy at work. I am glad that you have your strong opinions and convictions, as I have mine. However, since this is a blog and not a discussion group, I will keep this short. If you watch the news at all you will see a decision on whether or not to reinstate the draft will be announced after the election (wonder why that is). To North Korea, there is a difference between countries making WMDs to defend themselves and actually preparing to use them (which is pretty recent--after Clinton). For Social Security, it's ridiculous my government has me pay taxes, medicare, and social security without any say... but all that money that I could have really trusted myself to save is all gone! I knew that for a while, but I don't like the way the Bush camp is going about the privitization.

Bottom line: This is my blog and I can speak my opinions and I just so happen to agree with Kerry's points more than Bush's. And, funny enough, Bush scares the crap out of me! I've seen the military up close and personal, and I don't really want all of my friends to have to fight in another war for George Warmonger Bush.

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it is your blog, and I'm glad we live in a democracy as well - we can have different opinions on the issues and are free to express them. I think the key point is that we are absolutely CLEAR on the issues discussed in your initial post - only after that can we make an informed decision with our vote. While I agree with the post in regards to the 'body language' and 'hatchet job' of the English language exhibited by President Bush, the points outlined numerically in the post are misleading at best if not entirely false based on fact. Here is a factual analysis in addressing those points:

1. A draft WILL NOT be reinstated. Our military is a VOLUNTARY force and has adequate RESERVISTS (if required).

2. All wars eventually end, and all wars worth fighting are worth the sacrifice. We lost 3,000+ people on 9/11 and to date, have lost just over 1,000 in battle. Whether you are for or against the war is NOT the issue. The issue is that WE were attacked FIRST, and as a Sovereign Nation (not just 'Bushies') we're SYSTEMATICALLY hunting and ELIMINATING all of our enemies and their allies. These sub-human enemies have relentlessly pledged their blind faith to 'Allah' in wanting both you and I dead.

3. North Korea is indeed a threat, but the fact of the matter is that North Korea didn't just become a powerful force in 2002. Bill Clinton TURNED HIS HEAD for his own financial gain and allowed the secret North Korean uranium-enrichment program - to which they (Clinton Admin.) confessed in October 2002 - to be in operation since 1997 or 1998. Moreover, if the North Koreans were cheating in 1998 because they already knew that Bush would be elected and invade Iraq, maybe Kim Jong Il really is the bizarre paranormal being he sometimes seems. Did you know that John Kerry knew about the Korea threat as early as the CIA reported in 1995? Hmmmmm....

4. In financing terms, the Social Security trust fund is an IRRELEVANCY. Come 2014, when Social Security's payroll tax income falls below its benefit obligations, the program will need large infusions of tax dollars. The existence of the Trust Fund means only that until 2034 those dollars will come through increased income taxes rather than increased payroll taxes. But the number of extra dollars needed is absolutely unchanged. In the words of humorist P.J. O'Rourke, "Having a government Trust Fund is exactly the same thing as not having a government Trust Fund." What this pointless and silly debate should demonstrate is the need to get Social Security completely out of the hands of politicians. Social Security taxes should be invested in real financial assets, not government promises to raise future taxes. That means that individual workers should be allowed to divert their payroll taxes to individually owned accounts, similar to their IRAs or 401(k) programs. That would be a "lockbox" that would really work, a Trust Fund that could never be raided. What Senate Resolution has John Kerry drafted in his 30+ years as a politician and Senator? Answer: NOTHING.

5. The only reason seniors have a prescription drug benefit is because the Republicans and Bush Administration formulated, lobbied, and passed one. The high cost of health services REGULATION is responsible for more than seven million Americans lacking health insurance, or one in six of the average daily uninsured. Moreover, 4,000 more Americans die every year from costs associated with health services regulation (22,000) than from lack of health insurance (18,000). The annual net cost of health services regulation DWARFS other costs imposed by government intervention in the health care sector. This cost EXCEEDS annual consumer expenditures on gasoline and oil in the United States and is TWICE the size of the annual output of the motion picture and sound recording industries. Finding ways to reduce or eliminate this excess cost should be an urgent priority for policymakers. It would appear from this preliminary assessment that medical TORT REFORM offers the most promising target for regulatory cost savings, followed by FDA reform, selected access-oriented health insurance regulations (e.g., mandated health benefits), and quality-oriented health facilities regulations (e.g., accreditation and licensure). Did you know that John Edwards was, is and will always be a PROFESSIONAL TRIAL LAWYER???

Just some things to ponder after November 2 when President Bush raises his right hand and takes his SECOND Oath of Office.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe that someone would actual come out and challenge your facts Jess with their own personal rhetoric. I mean it is so obvious the lies Bush has told yet this person thinks he is a great leader. A great leader does not ignore threats of terrorism and let a September 11th happen, how do you think they had all the information the next day, they had it all along just didn't take the steps to warn people or prevent it from happening. We had the chance to pursue the real threat, Osama Bin Laden, yet we were led to believe that Iraq had something to do with these attacks and so we went to war. As for the draft, listen up pal, it is already involuntary, people have stop orders and are not being allowed to be discharged, I have the names of a few friends if you would like to talk to them about it. With no hope that this war will end anytime soon and the loss of so many troops already, do you think people are going to go and sign up again? Hence, why it will turn into a draft. Maybe you should go enlist since you are so supportive of Bush and believe in his cause. You don't go to war without a strong coalition and without an exit strategy. On top of that what about Halliburton, do you know the facts on this? As Vice President Cheney pointed out got to factcheck.com and read up about it, they have a pretty "sweet" deal. Our economy is in the worst shape it has been in years and the deficit is out of control with no plan to change that. I myself have to wonder why someone would want to support a President who has done everything wrong. Listen to everything he says he is going to do this time around, it is everything he promised the first and failed, why should he have 4 more years to screw up again! It sounds like to me you are the one who hasn't done their homework and believes all the rhetoric. I can see you, probably making lots of money, benefitting from the tax breaks for the rich and biting your nails worried someone like Kerry will get in who actually gives hope to all people and not just those with a fat wallet. The only way Bush will get reelected is if they cheat again, just like last election! Go get your facts instead of recording antikerry commercials, ridiculous!

1:01 PM  
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6:07 PM  

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