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Friday, February 04, 2005

Appointment Update

I had my doctor's appointment today. Not much to report because I didn't get an ultrasound. The tech was out of the office this week, so I will be getting it on Monday. They will be measuring the size and growth again just to make sure the little bean is progressing.

Everything looked good today and the heartbeat sounded good. The doctor did recommend that I start coming in on Tuesdays which is their "high risk" clinic day. She didn't want to scare me, but since there have been some complications, they just prefer I make it in on this day. I will have more to report on Monday.

On another note, I received a baby gift from my carpool guy and his wife, a baby carrier and a cute little onesie. I am so amazed at the generosity of others sometimes. I don't know that they realize what a godsend they've been by giving me a ride into work since we've moved into the house. I don't know what I would have done without their help. Thanks so much for the present, Walter and Priti! It's wonderful to be surprised with something like that.


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