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Thursday, July 21, 2005

Subconscious Mommy?

Since having a baby, it's almost as if your body and mind are working for someone else. From having your shirt get soaked with breastmilk simply from hearing your baby cry, to dreaming about feeding or holding your baby right before she starts crying. Last night I dreamt about feeding Helena, and seconds later she was awake and crying to be fed.

Never do you think that you would sacrifice so much of yourself for someone who can't talk to you or do anything for you in return but smile. What a wonderful world it would be if adults behaved the same way to each other. With nothing more than a genuine smile, we could help each other and be more than happy to do it. And that smile would be the only reward that we need. It's too bad that society has us all clammering to be rewarded with money. I guess you can't pay your way with smiles.

Yesterday evening we were discussing what a shame it is that parents can't be home with their own children. Thank goodness for grandparents! It's the next best thing to being home myself. I just wish sometimes that my full-time job was as a mother to my daughter, and I could work from home on projects here and there. I like to work, I would go nuts being home all the time, but I miss my little girl.


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