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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It's Official!

Believe it or not Helena has said her first words. (First words are more or less just a repetition of syllables that the baby doesn't even realize they are saying, but parents do.) Syllable repitition, from what I've read, doesn't usually come until around 9 months, but it's here already.

She is saying "dada". Over and over again. "Dadadadadada!" Dan is so happy! I'm not disappointed that is wasn't "mama". I just get happy to see her growing and learning new things. She is trying a lot of new things with her voice recently. Not all of it sounds too attractive, let me tell you! But it is so cute that she is seeing what she can do.

She is also wanting to stand so badly that I think she may walk before she crawls. She is already pulling herself up from a sitting position to a standing position. She needs some help balancing, but she has some strong little legs. As long as you hold her steady by the hands, she is keeping herself up. My little girl, such the prodigy!


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