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Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Leftover Turkey Day!

Ya know, since I missed you on Thanksgiving!! We had a great meal. I made turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cheesy potatoes, green beans, brown-n-serve rolls, and pumpkin pie. It was just my brother, me, and Helena. Still have a fridge full of leftovers. Any takers?? I'm about turkeyed out.

Besides our holiday feast, I was rather busy this weekend. Of course, I cleaned a ton. During Helena's naps I would commit to tasks that normally I couldn't get to. I swept & mopped, gave the backyard a MUCH-NEEDED thorough cleaning, and unpacked the Christmas decorations. Helena and I listened to holiday music and decorated the tree. I hung our stockings and put up some lights on our bookshelf. I think this is one of the nicest holiday decorating jobs I've done so far. I would really like to decorate the outside this year. I have a bunch of overgrown bushes in my front yard that are about as tall as me. I plan on trimming those to look like little trees and throwing some lights on them. I won't go too overboard. No Clark Griswold for me, thank you. Just enough to show my holiday spirit!

I love Christmas. It's such a great time of year. Unfortunately, there is no snow (or cold for that matter) here. It's hard to get in the swing of things when it's like that, but I'm trying. This week Helena and I are going to make snowflake placemats and some fun-shaped sugar cookies. I don't have much in the $$ department, so I am doing my best to DO holiday type things. This weekend I will take her to the annual Surprise Party. Our city has an event at the stadium with games, pony rides, Santa, crafts... we went last year and it was fun! I also want to take my brother to the ArtWalk that happens the first friday of every month in downtown Phoenix.

On top of that I would like to finish painting my hallway and kitchen. I want to do my front landscaping and decorating. Hopefully it will be another busy yet productive weekend.


Blogger Grandma V said...

I am so glad you had a good Thanksgiving! We missed you guys. Especially Matt blasting his guitar when I am trying to call him for dinner! LOL You are further ahead than me on decorating. Hopefully I will start this week. Love you all. Kisses to Helena!!!
Grandma V.

5:35 PM  

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